Story GROUP - level 1

 Introductory / Level 1

This workshop is designed for those individuals who are new to narrative story work. We were all given powerful stories that shaped and guided our development as people. Our core, 12 Week Story Workshop, walks participants through a process of discovery with skilled and kind professional facilitators. Participants will learn through teaching and group work about the experiences and dynamics that shaped them into the people they are today. At the heart of this workshop is the ability to tell personal stories of harm. Telling our stories offers us a way to see ourselves and how we were shaped more clearly. Tell Your Story, and discover more about who you are becoming.


Level 2 groups are designed to give individuals an opportunity to go deeper into their stories and learn additional information about narrative story work.  The format of this group combines teaching and story engagement.  The pacing will be one week of teaching followed by a week of story engagement.  Participants will have the benefit of working with other individuals who have previous experience doing narrative group work.  A focus of this group will be on addressing how participants style of relating shows up in the group setting and using this dynamic for personal growth as well as teaching about group dynamics.  Some groups meet in person, some and some are strictly virtual using Zoom.  There is a required commitment of 12 weeks per group session.  At the end of the 12 weeks, each individual will have the option of continuing for another 12 weeks or stepping out of the group; creating space for new members to join.  Each group session is limited to 8 participants. 

All therapists leading groups have advanced training in Narrative-focused Trauma Therapy from the Allender Center in Seattle, WA.

Current group offerings include:

    • Mondays 6:30-8:30 pm CT (In-person)
    • Tuesdays 5-7 pm CT (Virtual, coed)
    • Wednesdays 6-8pm CT (Virtual, coed)
    • Thursdays 7-9pm CT (In-person) Run by Cyndi Mesmer
    • Interested in alternative days/times, please ask what might be coming soon


This unique 12 week consultation group is offered to participants who have completed or are engaged in advanced training in story work and narrative therapy. This story group is led by Cyndi Mesmer, a therapist for three decades and a coordinator, teacher and trainer for the Trauma Focused Narrative Group Training at The Art Of Living Counseling Center. Cyndi was also a facilitator, supervisor, teacher and trainer at the Allender Center.

This group allows participants with advanced story training and group experience to do ongoing work within their own stories of harm. Participants are asked to commit to 12 weeks and will have the opportunity to bring two stories to process.  This story group is not considered professional therapy but rather professional consultation. Additional benefits of this group are the opportunity to travel alongside seasoned story practitioners, sharpen your skills around story engagement, learn different styles of story engagement from peers and time for Q&A with Cyndi.  Groups are limited to 8 participants.


“Why do I do what I do – and later feel so much disgrace? This question haunted me, as did stories of my childhood.

The story group at The Art of Living allowed me a safe haven to trace back the harm, abandonment and contempt I felt at its core. Bringing this into the light and safety of a community has been a game changer for me.

I now have “handles” as to why I respond the way I do in life. It’s not been an easy journey but I have so much more freedom and kindness for myself and others.”



“I am not the same person I was three years ago. I am not the same person I was yesterday. Whenever it’s time to re-up for a new session, I’m sure there are people whose souls need our group desperately. People who are literally dying in their skin every day. Maybe, I think, I should clear a spot for someone who hasn’t tasted what we receive in this space. But then I see how whole I’ve become and am becoming: What a better person, partner, boss, employee and friend I am. And I don’t want to stop growing in that direction.”

– Amy

"I am forever grateful to have been a scholarship recipient and had the honor of participating in this group. Without the scholarship I may have never engaged the intrigue of story work further.  In a time of my life that has been one of the most challenging, this group training and engaging story with others has made a life-changing impact on my life. It has opened up areas that felt stuck, but also allowed spaces within me to be open to seeing people in hard relationships in more kind, honest and compassionate ways. It has truly been a sweet taste of enjoyment of engaging and learning more of the art of living. Thank you." 
I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to be apart of this training.” 
I know that I walk away more embodied and present to my own story and oriented differently to the stories of others in a way that offers more compassion, curiosity, and presence.”

- Amy